


 After 3 years, Pathological Menace Productions is finally dead. 

The main reason for me killing the label is that Ive realised ive been lacking the motivation to make gorenoise for some time. Ive stopped enjoying making generic drum machine gorenoise, I love hearing it but right now I cant really sit down to program drums or anything because I feel like its just boring at this point. Ive always thought that if something thats supposed to be fun starts feeling like a chore I should stop doing it, and I feel like ive already reached that point sadly. 

Ill probably use my channel to upload tape rips and maybe comps or unreleased stuff from my projects but I wont do it often, as for my label, its pretty much over. 

This doesnt mean im 100% done with noise, some of you may have noticed that Ive made a bandcamp for my only active gorenoise project SxVxFxTxSxTx (, and I also have a bunch of black metal and dungeon synth stuff in store for the future (Solitudo Spiritualis). 

Massive thanks to everyone who has cared about this crappy label, you guys know who you are!! Its been an awesome run!! 

-Dora Vomitnoise